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Remote Check Deposits

Remote Check Deposits

Deposit Checks safely anytime, anywhere using Online Banking or the DFCU $ Mobile App! Just follow these quick and easy steps:

    Step 1:  Click on DEPOSITS and then log in. If you have not used Online Banking or the DFCU $ app before, click REGISTER and follow the prompts to register. Visit Online Banking to learn more about setting up your account.

    Step 2:  Select which account you would like to deposit your check into.

    Step 3:  Enter the amount of the check you are depositing.

    Step 4:  Endorse the BACK of your check with the following statement, or it may be returned. Your endorsement should read: "FOR MOBILE DEPOSIT ONLY DOWNEY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - YOUR DFCU ACCOUNT NUMBER HERE"

    Step 5:  Click CHECK FRONT and then TAKE PHOTO to capture the front image of the check. If you're having difficulty, try placing the check on a flat contrasting background. For Online Banking, follow the prompts for uploading your images.

    Step 6:  Click CHECK BACK and repeat Step 5 to capture the back image of the check.

    Step 7:  Validate that all the information has been entered correctly & click CONFIRM.

    Step 8:  After seeing the confirmation message pop-up, you have successfully submitted your check into your account. Security is a top priority at DFCU, in some cases, there will be a hold period on larger deposited checks. Please do not discard your check until all of the funds have been applied to your account.

For assistance with depositing your check using Online Banking or the DFCU $ mobile app please, email us at feedback@downeyfcu.org, or call us at 562-862-8141, and we will be happy to assist you.

Please note: Checks deposited Monday-Friday before 3:00PM Pacific Time, will be credited to your account the same day. All other deposits will be credited to your account on our next business day.

Deposit Limits: Current deposit limits are 10 checks per business day and the maximum dollar amount is $5,000 per business day.

Availability of Funds: If a check via DFCU $'s Check Deposit is received and accepted on a business day that we are open before 3:00pm Pacific Time, that day is considered to be the day of your deposit, subject to the other terms and conditions. Otherwise, that the deposit will be considered as made on the next business day we are open. Some deposits may be on hold for longer due to deposit size or the amount of checks deposited in one business day. Each check deposited has an availability of $225.

Security is our top priority. Check images are transmitted immediately and securely to DFCU and never stored on your mobile device Check Deposit Terms and Conditions