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Online Banking FAQs

Online Banking FAQs

  • Member to Member Transfer - Easily transfer funds from your account to another member's account. The account number, suffix, and last name of the member receiving the transfer, are required.
Suffix Account Type
S1 Savings
S2 Checking
S3 Money Market
S4 Holiday Club
L1 Loan*

*Please confirm the account number and suffix with your recipient before transferring. Loan suffixes can vary for accounts with multiple loans.

  • Profile Update - Update your email, phone number, and address in the mobile app or in online banking.
  • Stop Payment - Place a Stop Payment on a single check or a range. There is NO FEE to place the stop through the mobile app or online banking.
How do I set up a Username and Password for Online Banking?
You'll need to "Register" a new user name and password. For your security, please do not use your account number.
  • Username must be between 6 and 20 characters.
  • Password must be a minimum of 8 and maximum of 16 characters, include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and at least 1 special character.
  • Password is case sensitive.
I didn't receive an access code, why not?
Codes are sent to phone numbers on file, please be sure to verify with us your current home, cell and/or work phone numbers. Codes are sent via text message only to cell phones. Codes to home phones are sent via a phone call/message.
Why are my funds not available when I use Remove Deposit Capture (RDC)?
Holds do apply to deposits made through the mobile and on-line banking platforms. The first $225 will be available immediately with the remainder of the funds being available at close of the 2nd business day. Longer holds may apply due to special circumstances. Please refer to our Truth in Savings Disclosure and Agreements, which is available in the Disclosures section of our website. Reminder, you should retain checks deposited using RDC for a minimum of 20 days.
I can't log into my Bill Pay account.
Your login to Pay Bills is the same as the previous platform. Whichever account number was being used prior to the upgrade is the same account that needs to be used to pay bills.
I can't see all my accounts, I am a joint owner on my spouse's and/or kid's accounts, but can't see them.
Whatever accounts you were linked to, and saw prior to the upgrade, haven't changed. We can link accounts that you may be a joint owner on. Contact the credit union for assistance.
I forgot my user name and/or password.
Click "Online Banking Login" from our website. At the Help screen, click "forgot user name or password" and click "Submit". You'll be prompted to enter your account number, last 4 digits of your social security number and your birthdate. Follow the prompts based on what you need help with.
I have a MAC computer but I can't scroll to see my account history.
Your screen may need to be enlarged to enable you to use your scroll function.